Sunday, 8 September 2013

A Stroudwater Weather Chronicle 2014

I know many of you will know of Geoffrey Grigson’s delightful ‘The English Year’ – a collection of daily short musings on the weather and landscape. Here is one example:
 “January 19. Down early. The twilight is bright now at seven and was clear, last evening, through the cedar at five. John Ruskin, 1872 (Denmark Hill, Surrey)”

Many of us would like to develop

1.  A Weather Chronicle of the Stroudwater Year, 2014. It doesn’t have to be formally launched through a whole series of meetings etc. We can use social media and informal talking and go for the Topsy approach – we all have commitments elsewhere . 
2.   Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, Walking the Land and others  want to publicise this and obtain volunteers to write. People can be added as the year progresses.
3.  We can collect an initial list of people interested and I will take on the responsibility of giving people dates. As the year progresses then we should have more than just one contributor per day.
4.     It might also be a good idea to include weather data from newspapers once in a while (I know we all read the Guardian…].
5.     I will launch the proposal on Facebook, email and through radicalstroud.
6.     Obvious initial names – people who are observant, succinct and responsible enough to remember their quotidian duties might include: YOU, if you want to be involved. Please let me know.
I already have a list of definite and possible contributors but would like to spread the net as widely as possible; this is a community rather than literary exercise.

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