Men who a few short
months before the slaughter
Had voted Socialist and
And who had struck for
higher wages
Against their respective
Be they German or British
Capital or sometimes both,
Were now once more united
in common purpose,
And on a sort of shared
common land,
For Fritz and Tommy met
in No Man’s Land,
And briefly shared a
deepened understanding
Of how nationhood had
hoodwinked them,
And destroyed lives and
mutual empathy;
Not for them the esoteric
Of British shell
manufacturers paying
Royalties on enemy
As Capital respected
Instead, Christmas trees
and fags and beer,
Frost-breath football,
schnapps and cigars
Silhouetted against a
setting blood-red sun.
And who cares about the
one remembered score line?
Who cares if Germany won
the Flanders friendly?
For there is a deeper question
to ask:
“What if they had played
again the next day?”
And then the day after
that as well,
And what if they had
played mixed sides,
Just like their
respective aristocracies and Capital,
Dispensing with
as the sole criterion for selection.
Whatever next?
What if the playing of
the People’s Game
Had continued beyond
that Christmas time?
What on earth would have
Well, I suggest to you
that none of the following
Would have occurred in
fact and in name:
The Battle of the Somme;
Verdun; Passchendaele;
The Bolshevik
Revolution; The Russian Civil War;
The Wall Street Crash;
the Great Depression;
Stalin; Hitler; Fascism;
World War Two;
Nuclear weapons; the
Cold War;
Remembrance Day and the
British Legion.
There might just have
been a series of socialist revolutions,
A peaceful redrawing of
the map and classes of Europe,
With an early end to
European Empires and racial theories,
But with a new respect
for the wonders of our planet.
Think about it.
remember the People’s Game.
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