Forest Green
was, as historian Tim Barnard comments:
‘A staunchly Non Conformist village,
made up of Baptists and
Congregationalists’ -
Although the club was based at a pub,
‘The Jovial Forester … Lower Forest
Green … in those early years’;
Tim also comments that: ‘Some might
argue that FGR are
carrying on with that tradition with
our new Green ethos!’
This is more than interesting,
for such non-conformism was often
For some it meant thrift, ‘Cleanliness
is next to Godliness’,
Sabbatarianism, devoted Bible reading
and so on,
But for others, the 3 Rs and the Bible
meant only one lesson:
‘It is easier for a camel to pass
through the eye of a needle
than it is for a rich man to enter
Such people might well have joined the
local riots of 1766:
‘On Friday
last a Mobb was rais’d in these parts by the blowing of Horns &c
entirely of the lowest of the people such as weavers, mecanicks,
prentices and boys &c… cutting open Baggs of Flower
and giving it
& carrying it away’;
Or the
Captain Swing riots in Horsley in the winter of 1830:
‘This is to tell you gentlemen that if
you don’t pull down them infernall machines then we will you damnd dogs. An yew
mus rise the marrid mens wages tow and sixpence a day an the single tow shillins
or we will burn your hayricks’;
Then at the end of the nineteenth
there came agricultural trades
With Joseph Banks, the Slad Road
chemist, leading meetings,
Calling for an end to truck and payment
in kind,
And calling for shorter hours and
higher wages,
Labourers should be paid, he said,
‘In sterling money, not fat bacon … or
a couple of swedes’.
So this was the background preceding
the Great War,
The background from which men marched
out from their football pitch,
Some never to return:
‘There are 3 names with initials on the
Nailsworth war memorial
matching names and initials of pre- war
Forest Green Rovers players.
W Brinkworth, E Beale, S Marmont.
W Brinkworth is also named on the
Woodchester Baptist Chapel memorial plaque, now in Woodchester Parish
Church. That all fits because FGR and Forest Green was a staunchly Non
Conformist village, made up of Baptists and Congregationalists’, says Tim.
In conclusion, Tim has sent us the
Journal, September 1919
and District Football Association notes
war broke out in August 1914 the above League had made every effort for a
record season. Rule books etc had been printed ready for issue to
the clubs who had entered and nearly 800 registration forms had been received
from players who had “signed on” to take part in league matches.
came the call to arms and by the beginning of September so many of these
players had joined the colours that it was impossible for the clubs to carry
out their programmes.
League Committee at once came to a decision and decided to disband for the
duration of the war.
of the boys who at that time were looking forward to their favourite pastime
have fallen on the different battlefields that their names will always live in
the memory of those interested in the Stroud and District League….
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